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Get to know the program


Who can join Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club?

Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club is open to children between the ages of 4 and 18 years as well as adults. To join the club, applicants must already possess basic swimming skills. Additionally, all potential members are required to pass a swim test as a safety assessment before enrollment.


It's important to note that the club is not a "Learn to Swim" program; instead, it offers a comprehensive Surf Lifesaving experience to children within the specified age range.


What do I need to join the Club?

To join Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Age Eligibility: The club is open to children between the ages of 4 and 18 years. We also have an adult training program for members who want to compete in Surf Lifesaving.

  2. Swimming Abilities: You must already possess basic swimming skills to join the club.

  3. Swim Test: All applicants are required to pass a swim test as part of a safety assessment. Successful completion of the swim test is a prerequisite for enrollment.

  4. Enrollment Process: Follow the enrollment process provided on our website, including submitting any necessary forms and payment of any applicable fees.

  5. Not a "Learn to Swim" Program: Please note that Ocean Warriors is not a "Learn to Swim" program; it is a comprehensive Surf Lifesaving program designed for children within the specified age range.

By meeting these criteria and following the enrollment process, you can become a member of Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club.


What Is the difference between Nippers, Juniors, and Seniors?

The Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club is structured into three distinct age groups, each with its own focus and activities. Here's a brief overview of the differences between Nippers, Juniors, and Seniors:

Nippers (Ages 4 - 11):

  • This age group focuses on introducing youngsters to surf lifesaving skills and ocean safety in a fun and engaging manner.

  • Activities include practical and theoretical basic first aid, self-help, signals, body boarding, body surfing, surf swimming, run/swim/run events, beach flag racing, beach sprinting, long runs, and an introduction to the basics of paddling Malibu boards and surfskis.

  • Nippers are guided by experienced coaches and a Water Safety team.


Juniors (Ages 12 - 18):

  • This group builds on the foundational skills learned in Nippers, delving deeper into surf lifesaving and water sports.

  • Activities continue to include advanced first aid, rescue techniques, and the development of competitive surf lifesaving skills.

  • Juniors prepare participants for the transition to the Senior category.


Seniors (Ages 18 and above):

  • This group further refines lifesaving skills and may involve participation in competitive surf lifesaving events.


How Do I Enroll or Register for the Program?

To enroll or register for the Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club program, follow these steps:


  1. Visit the Club's Website: Start by visiting the Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club website. Visit our Registration Page.

  2. Review Eligibility and Requirements: Before registering, review the eligibility requirements, such as age and swimming ability, to ensure you meet the criteria.

  3. Complete Application Forms: Fill out the necessary application forms provided on the website.

  4. Swim Test: Prepare for the mandatory swim test. Passing this test is a prerequisite for enrollment and ensures participants have the necessary swimming skills for safety.

  5. Confirmation: After submitting your forms and fees, you should receive confirmation of your enrollment. 

  6. Attend Sessions: Attend the sessions scheduled by the club. These sessions provide an opportunity to meet coaches, understand the program structure, and address any questions or concerns.


What Is the Schedule for Training Sessions?


Adults: 7:00 - 8:00 AM  



4-12 year olds: 4:30 - 5:30 PM

12-18 year olds: 4:30 - 5:30 PM

Swim Test: 4:00 - 4:30 PM (by booking) 



4-12 year olds: 7:00 - 8:00 AM 

12-18 year olds: 7:00 - 8:00 AM 

Swim Test: 8:00 - 8:30 AM (by booking) 



Currently collecting interest for Morning or Afternoon sessions on a Sunday. 

Please choose from above existing training days but drop us a message if you are interested in having a Sunday session. Thank you. 


What disciplines are included in your surf lifesaving training?

We cover the following disciplines: 

  • Beach Flags

  • Beach Sprint and Relay

  • Long Runs (1km)

  • Surf Swim

  • Run Swim Run

  • Body Boarding

  • Malibu Board Paddling

  • Surfski

  • First Aid Training


Do you provide equipment, or should I bring my own?

Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club typically provides the necessary equipment required for training and activities during your membership. This may include items such as surfboards, paddleboards, rescue equipment, and more, depending on the specific age group and training needs. The club understands that participants may not have their own equipment, especially younger members.


If you are wanting to purchase your own equipment visit OceanStoke Sports website.


Is there a uniform for training and competitions?

Yes, there is a uniform for training and competitions within the Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club. You have the option to purchase the uniform directly from the club. Wearing the club's uniform not only promotes a sense of unity among participants but also ensures that everyone is appropriately dressed for safety and identification during training and competitive events. Information about the uniform, including its design, cost, and availability, can be obtained from the club's official channels or during the enrollment process.


What are the membership fees?

The costs associated with membership in the Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club are as follows:

  1. Training Fees:

    • A fee of 1400 AED per term is applicable for participants attending training sessions once a week.

    • For those who wish to train twice a week, the fee is 2200 AED per term.

  2. Annual Registration Fee:

    • An annual registration fee of 300 AED is required for each member. This fee includes a uniform consisting of a rash vest, Funky Pants, cap, water bottle, and bag.

    • If your Funky Pants size starts from XS Classics, the fee is 350 AED.

  3. Latecomers Fee:

    • Latecomers to the club will incur a prorata fee. 

  4. Sibling Discount:

    • The club offers a 5% sibling discount for the third child and any subsequent children from the same family.


Please note that fees and discounts are subject to change, so it's essential to verify the most up-to-date cost information from the Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club or their official channels to ensure accuracy and clarity regarding membership costs.


Is there a dress code or uniform for training?

Yes, there is a dress code and uniform for training at Ocean Warriors Surf Lifesaving Club. The uniform typically includes a rash vest, Funky Pants and Vaikobi cap. This uniform ensures that participants are appropriately dressed for training sessions and helps create a sense of unity among club members. It also serves the practical purpose of identifying club members during training and competitions. Participants are expected to wear this uniform as specified by the club's guidelines.


Where does training take place?

Dubai Offshore Sailing Club


Do I have to be a paid member of DOSC?

No, membership with DOSC (Dubai Offshore Sailing Club) is not required. As part of our program, you will have complimentary access to DOSC during the training sessions, and parents are also welcome to enjoy the club's facilities while their children train.


Can I park at DOSC?

No, you may not park at DOSC.

Paid parking facilities are available outside the club.


Is it true that being a proficient lifesaver requires excellent swimming abilities, including the capability to swim a minimum of 2 kilometers in a pool?

Swimming proficiency is a vital life skill that we prioritize enhancing in all our Ocean Warrior Nipper and lifesaver participants. Being a strong swimmer not only benefits personal development but also positions members favorably in Surf Surf competitions and their future roles as lifesavers in Dubai or abroad. It's important to note that you don't need to attain Olympic-level swimming abilities to get started!


To enroll in our Nippers Program in Dubai, children aged 4-7 should demonstrate the capability to swim 25 meters, while 8-11-year-olds should be able to swim 50 meters in either a pool or open water. Ages 12-18 years of age will need a to do a swim proficiency of 100 meters in a pool or open water.


What disciplines are included in Surf Lifesaving?

  1. Beach Flags: Beach Flags is a competitive event where participants lie face down in the sand, and a series of flags are placed in the sand in a row. When a whistle is blown, participants jump up and race to grab a flag. The catch is that there are fewer flags than participants, leading to eliminations until a winner remains.

  2. Surf Swim: Surf swimming involves racing through the surf and breaking waves in the open water. Competitors use their swimming skills to navigate the challenging conditions of the ocean. They are required to swim out to a buoy and then back to the beach.

  3. Malibu Board Paddling: Malibu board paddling is a discipline where competitors use a buoyant board to paddle through the surf, showcasing their balance and paddling abilities. They are required to race around a buoy and back to the beach.

  4. Beach Sprint and Relay: Beach sprints involve running a short distance on the beach, often followed by a relay where teams of runners pass a baton to the next teammate. Speed and agility are crucial in these events.

  5. Run Swim Run: In the run-swim-run event, competitors start with a beach run, then transition into a swim in the ocean, and finish with another beach run. This discipline combines running and swimming skills.

  6. Surfski: Surfski is a paddle sport that involves using a specialised kayak (surfski) to navigate the surf zone. Athletes paddle through waves and challenging waters in this discipline. They are required to race out to a buoy and back to the beach.

  7. Long Run (1km): The long run is a beach race over a distance of 1 kilometer, testing endurance, speed, and stamina.

  8. Bodyboarding: Bodyboarding is a discipline where participants ride a bodyboard (a shorter, more flexible version of a surfboard) to catch and ride waves in the ocean.

  9. First Aid: First aid is an essential skill in Surf Life Saving. Lifesavers are trained in providing first aid and emergency response to individuals in distress or injured while at the beach. Nippers will receive initial instruction in fundamental first aid concepts, with further expansion on this topic for the eldest age group within Nippers, the U12s. As participants progress into the 12-18 year old lifesaving program, the training in first aid becomes more structured and formalised. First aid is integrated as a key component of their learning, and they are evaluated as part of their journey towards achieving the Survive and Save Awards.


These disciplines are an integral part of Surf Life Saving, helping develop a wide range of skills and promoting safety and awareness at the beach.


Will Ocean Warriors member required to perform lifeguard duty at Dubai public beaches?

In the UAE, there is no volunteer lifeguard patrol system as seen in various regions worldwide, as the Dubai Municipality provides its certified lifeguards for beach safety in Dubai. Nevertheless, as part of the lifesaving program, participants will be expected to contribute to the water safety team that supports Nipper training activities.

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